Comedy – Punchline. The funny part is the last word of what you say.

When you are saying a joke, there will be word or words that are the funny part, that creates the humour.

If possible, have this as the last thing you say. Have it at the end of the sentence.

Having the funny part of the joke in the middle of the sentence will be less effective. A lot of times the joke will be in the middle of the sentence, and it cannot be helped. But if you can have it at the end of the sentence, that is more effective.


Compare the two sentences below:

“At the job interview, if they ask me why they should hire me, I am going to say because I am passionate about not starving to death.”


“I am going to say I am passionate about not starving to death at the job interview if they ask me why they should hire me.”

They both are the same joke, but in the first sentence, the funny part is at the end. Whereas in the second sentence, the funny part is in the middle, which ruins it a little and makes it less funny.


If there are other words after the funny part in the sentence, it will make the joke less funny.

This is because after you have said the funny part, the person listening has the feeling of laughter at the joke. But if you are saying other words after it, the person listening will be distracted and not fully appreciate the joke.

This is why it is normally a good idea to not say anything for a while between jokes to let the person listening to laugh and enjoy the joke. Then start speaking again after that, rather than speaking and cutting them in the middle of them laughing.

Professional comedians call the funny part the punchline, and they aim to have the punchline at the end of the sentence. It is something you should try to do if possible.

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