Introvert and Extrovert

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Or would you classify yourself as someone who has a bit of both in you?

Introverts and extroverts are traits or personality types, with one being more dominant.



Introverts regain their energy from solitude. Being alone is what recharges their batteries. This does not mean that introverts do not like socializing and having friends. Introverts do enjoy this as well. But being out in too many social situations can make them tired.

Some introverts do not like large groups of people and prefer one on one conversations. They have been stereotyped as being ‘loners’, ‘good listeners’, and ‘deep thinkers’. Plenty of introverts have a habit of overthinking and spending too much time in their heads.


Introvert Communication Style 

While this does not apply to every introvert, most introverts prefer listening, or silence. If you are spending time with an introvert, and they do not say anything, it does not mean that they do not like you.

Introverts are not very good at small talk, or talking about ‘nothing’. Some introverts like talking about deep or philosophical topics.


Occupations For An Introvert

People with strong introverted traits and personality can work really well in jobs with little social contact required. Examples of this are writers, accountants, or computer programmers. A few introverted people find they like living a life away from society, such as becoming monks who live in solitude.


Introvert alone
Introverts recharge by being alone.


Extroverts regain their energy by being with others and socializing. They need external stimulation from the outside world and want to meet new people and see new things.

Extroverts need to talk to others to recharge their batteries. It is possible for them to be by themselves for a while. But extreme extroverts can go into depression if they spend too long alone and without company.

Extroverts like socializing in groups of people, but can also socialize one on one. They have been stereotyped as being ‘party animals’, ‘confident’, and ‘really friendly’. It has been claimed that extroverts worry less than introverts, but this has not been conclusively proven yet.


Extrovert Communication Style

This does not apply to every extrovert, but generally extroverts tend to like talking a lot. Although they can also be good listeners. Extroverts are also masters at the art of small talk.

A lot of extroverts want there to be some conversation and will fill in silences. Because of this, they can mistakenly assume that an introvert not talking means the introvert does not like them. Even though this is not true.

Extroverts can also be comfortable with silence with the right person or in the right situation, but it does not happen as often as introverts. 


Occupations For An Extrovert

People with strong extroverted traits and personality can work really well in jobs which requires a lot of social contact, like salesmen or personal trainers.


Extrovert party
Extroverts regain their energy by socializing.


Our population is made up of people with a mix of both introvert and extrovert personality traits. A lot of people do not fall completely into one category of either introvert or extrovert.


A mix of Introvert and Extrovert

An extreme introvert may be 90% introvert and 10% extrovert. While an extreme extrovert may be 90% extrovert and 10% introvert.

Then there will be introverts who are 65% introvert and 35% extrovert. Or extroverts who are 65% extrovert and 35% introvert. And some people believe they are 50% introvert and 50% extrovert.

There will be different combinations of introverted and extroverted personality traits within an individual. A person will lean towards one or the others.


Introvert and Extrovert are both good

Neither introverted traits nor extroverted traits are better than the other. Having more or less of one is not a negative. They both have their advantages and disadvantages, and you use and make the best of what you have.

The important factor is to be aware of who you are, how you operate, and be comfortable and true to that.

Be true to who you are, be thankful for it, and use it to your advantage.


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